Thom Davies
Photographer | Human Geographer
Calais Refugee Camp Research
Nuclear Samurai – a preview
Disposable Citizens
Chernobyl: ‘War without War’
Under the USSR
A young girl poses for the camera in her house adjacent to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
A tombstone with a photograph of the deceased in a cemetery near Chernobyl
A man selling portraits in Madrid and a damaged negative from Nepal
A young boy stares at a statue of USSR soldier as he climbs on a memorial to the Great Patriotic War in Kyiv
A Samurai warrior at the Soma Nomaoi horse festival held near the Fukushima Exclusion Zone in Japan
A boy swims in a river that runs through the Chernobyl nuclear Exclusion Zone in Ukraine
Ukraine: passengers on a crowded bus stare out at an anti-government protest reflected in the window
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